Now and then a well-protected premises gets broken in to, and no matter what the reason was, someone found a way to break through the security systems. Why is that? Well, honestly, unless you live like a well-protected president (who also gets some attacks now and then), you will never be impenetrable or completely safe from every threat. I am not quite sure what other protectors like to call this, but it generally floats around as the risk/reward ratio. Meaning, if ever the reward that is to be gained is worth the risk associated or even more, then the likelihood of it happening still exists. You implement measures to irritate and keep someone from simply taking whatever they want from you. But, you can never really eliminate the urge of someone eager enough to grab it.
How is it still possible?
We have to remember that skills can be learned by anyone willing to learn them. Perhaps not always by the conventional manner we are used to, but either way, a skill can be learned. Many “masters” of their crafts become masters in the first place by developing beyond the conventional ways.
So, with that mouthful out of the way, here is what I mean. In reality, if I have to get or take from you what I so desperately want or need, especially when I have no other choice, I will be motivated enough to get it. And in that case, whatever means you have put in place to prevent me will be vulnerable to my motivated mind. I will most likely figure out some ingenious or perhaps absurd way to pass your measures and get what I want.
I like to call it the Risk/Reward ratio. But whatever the real term is for our industry, It simply means that if my reward is worth the effort, I might just take the risk.
I can think of various ways I have defeated some security systems and things I have seen in the industry, and for obvious reasons cannot mention them here. As I am always confident that just as we protectors are utilizing the internet, social media, and various skilled courses to enhance our capabilities, so are those we fight against. Many wolves amongst the sheep.
Closing off:
So, closing off, I hope it is clear to you that not any measure is impenetrable, think about how the enemy adapts, how technology advances, and how the sheer willpower of one man can change and revolutionize our industry. If an army is in my way, will 2 armies behind me defeat them? If an alarm system is in my way, will something be good enough to defeat it? Face it, we can never, ever be complacent. If you are wondering how to plan around this, then please read here.
Till next time, keep developing.