Home defense


Thank you for spending valuable time to work through this guide. I hope it will benefit you as much as it does others. This guide only covers the very basics of each subject and there is more to it than what is mentioned here. But it would be impossible to add everything on one guide or even in a complete book.

The biggest reason is that crime trends change constantly and by the time you have read through the 11 posts this guide consists of, new crime trends would have already been identified. With that said, I would like to invite you to check out more on my website at www.alphadefense.co.za for coverage of all things important to physical and personal security.

I sincerely encourage anyone to continue your training and improve your knowledge on all things related to personal security, whether it's through the internet, local coaches, or participation in any other form of training. It is never too late to start! Planning now, to mitigate threats and risks at a later stage, might just be the key to your safety and security.

It is all too often that I witness the horrific turn out of events just because people refuse to actively implement what they learn, especially those who talk about it but never act on it. If you just talk about dieting and never really follow a proper diet and get active, then you never really get any results. Security is no different, don’t just read about what anyone says, try it, and who knows, maybe you just start to like it!

Feel free to engage with me on your concerns and suggestions. I also suggest you visit these posts often, and that you implement as much of the advice as possible, and add your knowledge of course. Drop me an email if you like.

Look out for any updates on the website.

Until then, keep safe and keep on learning.

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