Barrier 1
By now you should be able to successfully avoid or deter a serious threat to your family. Now you have time to work on a crucial element of security to any home. A barrier can be anything that prevents anyone from trying to enter your yard who does not have access. Examples of your first barrier can be concrete walls, palisades or fencing, etc.
Barriers have proven to be an invaluable system to keep out unwanted intruders and trespassers. The increase in crime has demanded more and more barriers be erected all over the world. After all, prevention is key. Barriers are not just walls marking out the end of your yard anymore. Those walls are now probably the least effective if they don’t have any spikes or electrical fencing installed on top of them! And even that can easily be overcome if an intruder thinks it is worth the risk. The greatest threat to barriers today is the influx and availability of technology, ladders, hammers, wire clippers, and blankets are cheap and cost-effective for criminals today. Some even get them for free from their actual day jobs.
The older designs like flat walls and six-foot slabs are now as much of a challenge to criminals like small hurdles are to professional athletes. We have been chasing criminals in communities for centuries now and just cannot keep up to those little guys jumping those walls like it’s no issue. While we see police officers having to boost each other over because of the weight of their body armor and gear.
Although this can turn out to be the most expensive element in your security system, it can be the most invaluable one. When installed correctly and with some good planning. The trickiest thing with barriers is choosing one. You don’t want it too small, too high, too bulky or too expensive to maintain.
If you are not sure that your current barrier is suitable for your yard, or you are now considering installing one, follow these basic guidelines:
- Your barrier should be heavy and strong enough to resist anyone who tries to push it over or ram it with a light vehicle.
- It should not be completely closed so to prevent anyone from seeing into your yard, that way no one will ever notice an intruder in your yard when a patrol is conducted. And you will never be able to see any threats in the yard when approaching the gate.
- It should have some form of spikes or electrical shock wiring with an alarm system for when someone is tampering with the wiring.
- It should be sloped outwards if possible as to make climbing over it harder.
- It should be installed on all sides of your yard. Many times I find large gates and high palisades coming in from the front, only to find a small fence at the back or some gap right next to the neighbor’s barrier.
- Electronic gates are preferable, to reduce time wasted on opening and closing the gate.
Keep in mind that these barriers can be costly, and it in no way guarantees to keep criminals out, but it does indeed require more effort to breach. There is not much more to be said about these barriers as most of it comes down to budget and preference. There are multiple building materials in today's world and great new advances and techniques are developed across the world.
How strong is your first barrier?
See also:
- Approaching your home (part 1 and part 2)
- Approaching the door
- Safe room
- Action plan
- Reaction unit
- Barrier 1
- Early warning system
- Barrier 2
- Secondary warning system
- Conclusion